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Photo of Austin Andriese

Hi, Austin here 👋
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Austin Andriese in a southern Utah slot canyon

I'm Austin

I'm currently revolutionizing healthcare shopping at WTW.

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A photo of Austin Andriese and his daughter Sage at his weddingAustin Andriese and his wife Kristina snowboarding at Snowbird resortA photo of Austin's dirt bike in Moab UtahA photo of hammocks taken inside a caveA photo of Austin Andriese at his desk

World's Best Dad

Mountain Dweller

Dirt Eater

Hammock Enthusiast

Low-Code Developer

Photo of Austin Andriese

UX Designer Based In Lehi, UT

I am currently building an industry-leading, healthcare shopping experience at WTW.

I’m a loud introvert lucky enough to design for a living. I enjoy working with others, love learning every day, and am always up for a challenge. I’m a product designer because I genuinely care about people. I know that good design can change lives and I strive daily to make that a reality.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Email Me to get in touch.

Let's Get In Touch

I'm always looking for great opportunities. Reach out, let's get acquainted.

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